How can I get free or discounted transportation to the polls?

Watch this space for election and voting updates, and visit the CivicCLP website for current civic and political information. A full calendar of upcoming election dates and deadlines is available at 


There are several entities that are providing free and reduced rides to the polls on Election Day. Make your plan to vote today! 

Roll to Polls:  B-PEP (The Black Political Empowerment Project) provides voters with free rides to the Elections Office downtown, to the satellite offices every voting weekend in October (dates below), and to the polls on Election Day.


To arrange a ride on or before Election Day, call 412-212-8775.   


No matter which group provides you with a free ride to the polls, they should tell you in advance the driver’s name and should provide the driver with your name. Then when a car arrives to take you to the polls, make sure the driver tells you his/her name and knows your name too. There are some bad actors out there. No one wants anyone getting into the wrong car, and no one wants anything to happen to the wonderful driver volunteers, most of whom are giving their time freely to make sure that everyone can vote.


Some gentle reminders from B-PEP:  Be patient when requesting or waiting for a ride.  Don’t do anything to distract the driver during the ride. Thank your driver. Check on friends/neighbors who might need a ride to the polls. Let them know about these groups. 



VEEEM Pittsburgh can also provide rides to the polls. Contact them at 412-242-1998 ext, 203 and 204.

Lyft & Uber





If you have any additional questions, you can contact a library staff member by phone at 412.622.3114 or email us at

  • Last Updated Nov 05, 2024
  • Views 79
  • Answered By Julie Horowitz

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