I'm looking for a replacement for My Storymaker. What can children play instead?


We know that My Storymaker was widely beloved! Since Adobe Flash is necessary for My Storymaker to run and is no longer supported, here are some of our favorite storytelling alternatives for young learners.



Use clip art or upload your own images, then save to your bookshelf to read again later. 


With a free account, create and print your own stories easily.



Just like the physical felt-boards used by your favorite librarians and teachers, move textured images along to tell your own story. 



Stories don't have to be long! Take a photo and record your own voice to make any image talk: yourself, the family pet, a doodle, and more! 


Is your little one asking you for a story and you're fresh out of inspiration? Roll the dice to get yourself started.  


Want more fun resources for online early learning? Check out our lists for awesome apps for grades K-2, awesome apps for Pre-School, and apps which forward reading-readiness skills: talking, singing, reading, writing and playing.

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  • Last Updated Jul 09, 2021
  • Views 1829
  • Answered By Whitney Philipps

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